Hardware & Software Project

Magic Chess

Play online Chess without looking at a screen.

Nowadays we look at a lot of screens. Chess in its origin is a physical game, but if you want to play chess over a distance you need to use online chess. The goals of this project is to combine the best of both worlds: playing your friends online while looking at a wooden chess board.

The Project was made from the scratch and contains

4 Elements:

  • Chess Board with self build CNC (Arduino + 3D-printer)
  • Web Camera with Raspberry Pie
  • Control Button
  • Server with Chess Online Plattform

Technologies used:

  • Custom 3D printed parts
  • Processing
  • NodeJS

Chess Board

Example how a chess piece is automaticly moved.




Self Constructed CNC.
Custom 3 printed parts
Arduiono microcontroller
Webcam for regognizing player moves.



The light button showS whose turn it is and can be used to replay the last move.

Chess Server

Overview of open Games.
Open specific Game.